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Star Trek Klingon Academy

What started out as only my second job grew into taking on nearly every aspect of game production!  I began as the game's ship concept artist, shifted to texturing, then got involved in ship and environment building, lighting, destruction, animation, and VFX.  From there I took over the menus and HUD, leading into marketing assets and the game's box and shipping materials!  I was exposed to so many aspects, and it really helped give me a comprehensive understanding of a game's scope at an early stage in my career.  I also began to understand the role of brand IP's in delivering quality experiences to a core audience.

Menus and HUD

Mission briefings were told through your Klingon ship's view-screen, and I produced all of the tactical maps that would illustrate the level's goals and points of interests, all through a Klingon aesthetic.


I took over the production of the ship's menus, of which there were 8 stations at 6 races a piece!  That's a lot of screens!  Each race also had a HUD, which was built by plotting the polygon vertices in Photoshop so they could be procedurally generated!  But it was fun coming up with all the various looks, and being challenged by the various styles.

Promotional Materials

I was tasked with creating print ads, posters, desktop art, and the game's shipping box, instruction manual, and CD holder (6 CDs).  I even created the game's website!

Ship Art

I was tasked with coming up with entirely new ship designs for each race, eventually producing concept art and turnarounds for all of the new ships.  I also textured over 90% of the game's ships, building a few from scratch, and touching all in lighting and destruction sequencing. Some minor animation as well with various space stations. 


I also created "space terrain", texturing and building numerous star fields, planets, stars, nebulas, black holes, and asteroid fields.

Library Entries

I rendered numerous entries for the ship's library, which could be accessed while in-game.  I was pretty much left to my own, deciding which entries would be appropriate, how to illustrate heretofore unseen technologies, and making it fit within the Klingon aesthetic.  Tons of fun!

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