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I've been art directing games for 10 years, gaining experience in all art departments since my start in 1995.  I have come to focus on mobile games after many years on AAA console products, as mobile is how I see people around me enjoying games in everyday ways, and I want to be a part of that. 
I love all things bright and colorful, and hope to make games that are positive, inspirational, and fun.  It's time to move forward and contribute a little more positivity into the world through mobile game art. 
​Art Direction is more than aesthetics and style.  It is an organic collection of people, pipeline, consensus, advocacy, capability, scope, and marketability.  It is judgement and assessment as much as it is creation and execution.  I believe in process and vision, in team and ability.  Experience has taught me to consider the whole and know when to put ego aside or step up and guide the way.  I love doing this job and making things with great groups of professionals so we can put a little fun in people's lives. 
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