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James Bond

My first foray into art direction...a tough, high pressure project that helped push me forward as a well rounded thinker.  


I started this project as the 2D Texture Lead, but after a troubled production the Art Director left the project with only 6 months to go, and I was asked to step up.  Luckily I had a Producer who believed in me and helped guide my efforts.   


The main focus was to direct the atmosphere, mood, lighting, and detail  on all of the levels that had been only partially (and unsatisfactorily) built.  I started by taking each as they stood and extrapolating what kind of engaging visual they could be reconstructed into, being inspired by each location's natural and dramatic potential.  With such a short time window and small staff, I did most of the paint overs myself.  From there I worked with the lighting, vfx, and level builders to get us to a competitive visual bar.  


It was the beginning of understanding the art team as an organism, each part working well with the others, and taught me to consider every department in terms of visuals, production, and personnel.

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